Donate as
a business

Almost every business produces what we call scrap, whether its redundant stock, samples, quality control rejects, off cuts, by-products, unused or discontinued materials, packaging, retail merchandising materials or even stationery. We love quirky things, the weirder the better for us and we especially love colourful things.

Why donate?

Well there are lots of reasons, whether you are looking to improve your company’s ESG – Environment Social or Corporate Governance, meet sustainability goals, waste reduction targets, reducing waste collection costs, or simply wanting to contribute to enabling the local community to make use of what you no longer require. We are here to provide the bridge between your surplus and the community. Giving you one organisation to communicate with and yet ensuring impact with hundreds of beneficiaries.

Make a donation

Once you complete the form below, we can then assess the offer and whether we can make use of the materials that your business is willing to make available. We aim to get back to you within one working week unless the offer information states that you are working to a shorter time-frame.

Please Indicate Which Categories The Materials You Wish To Donate Fall Under:

Scrapstores are community organisations who are always working hard to reduce their costs, collection of material is usually possible however if you able to transport or courier your scrap materials to the scrapstore this can make a big difference to our ability and timescales of accepting offered scrap materials.