Box of
The Box of Rainbows was inspired by the famous Maya Angelou quote; “be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud”.
Whilst we are not able to take away the cloud that children experiencing chronic illness, bereavement or hardship, in our own small way we offer a rainbow; a Box of Rainbows to be precise. A lovely big box of creative possibilities, lovingly packed by volunteers in the hope that all the colourful treasures inside can banish the clouds for a while.
After experiencing a child bereavement we were inspired by the poet Maya Angelou’s quote “be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud”. We created Box of Rainbows because through our own lived experience we understand that as a parent you may struggle to find the energy or the time to create fun activities and playful things to do when they’re juggling medications, therapy and other challenges.

What we've done
The Box of Rainbows is simply a Rainbow in a gift box, which typically includes a selection of craft kits, felt, fabrics, glue, colourful paper, card, cork, pipe cleaners, pom poms, wool and some creative ideas sheets to provide inspiration for fun activities children and their adult sidekick to do.
Together with our supporters (thank-you one and all) we have distributed over £40,000 pounds worth of resources since the scheme started in 2016. There are ten themed BIG Rainbow Boxes which are filled with craft activities and art materials.
The activities and materials give the children and their families the opportunity to play, be creative and have a sensory experience, which we hope will enable them to have fun and spend time together whilst learning and improving emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.
How To Help
It takes quite a lot of work and resources to fill these lovely big cardboard treasure boxes donated by Smurfit Kappa in March, Cambridgeshire. We are therefore always on the hunt for resources that might be suitable; perhaps your organisation might be able to donate some supplies or make a financial donation to help us buy some items. Perhaps you belong to a knitting or sewing group that would like to contribute some knitted or sewn hearts, which can be included in the box when we have them. Please note for safety’s sake these must be stuffed with child safe toy stuffing, we can advise on this if you’re interested in helping. Or maybe you would like to help out volunteering with some picking and packing. This can be done individually or with a group of colleagues or friends, drop us an email if you’d like to explore this option.

All purchases from our website helps to contribute fund towards providing free boxes for a child in need. If you know the parent of a child that would like to be considered for a FREE ‘Box of Rainbows’ please invite them complete the application form here.
It is possible to make a financial donation to help with the costs of putting together and distributing a Box of Rainbows. Or perhaps you would like to contribute items for future boxes, we would love to hear from you, please email,