The REMO Food4Good Scheme which redistributes surplus food from growers, supermarkets, producers and distributors, has been running since 2016. Based at the REMO Eco-Superstore in Wisbech, the scheme encompasses several initiatives including: The Social Supermarket, The Community Fridge and Winter Veg Box Project.

What we do
For people we aim to offer choice, respecting a person’s dignity, and a pathway out of hardship. For the planet we aim to ensure that good food doesn’t go to waste. Volunteers collect surplus food from supermarkets and REMO trading staff collect bulk food consignments in our BIG electric van. We operate on a need not greed basis which means limits apply so as many people as possible can benefit. For our free food scheme we only ask for a postcode and number of people in the household. This helps us with measuring our impact and hopefully will help us attract funding to expand and improve the scheme.
How the Social
Supermarket works
In the aftermath of the pandemic, with rising fuel, utility and food costs means that we are now in a “cost of living crisis” and for many people that means things are getting tougher. We’re here to give a helping hand, and bridge the gap. The service is available to Members on a payable basis, and a trolley of food costs £10 which can be discounted to £5 if you have evidence of means tested benefits. All income is used to cover the operating costs of providing the service. Some items are limited to ensure fair distribution and goods are not to be purchased for resale. Visits are limited to once per week for households. Using the food to cook meals for a community group is permitted.
It takes a lot of food to keep it stocked so we are very keen to hear from any local food producers or distribution companies who might have suitable products to donate. We can collect with our 3.5 tonne van which can accept palletised foods. We can accept ambient, chilled and fresh produce.
Please contact Nikki if you would like to discuss:

There are two types referal, the first is a simple signposting whereby anyone can refer or even self refer to our Food4Good Scheme and the beneficiary access the Community Fridge or pays directly for the Social Supermarket. The second is through an established referral system like CLAS – Cambridgeshire Local Assistance Scheme whereby the CLAS Champion issues a voucher against which The REMO Charity will assign 24 weeks of access to the Social Supermarket which is free to the beneficiary. For more information please contact Nikki .